Boxed up


Visual sources with carefully drawn boxes outlined on them.
Each "box" is one paragraph.They revisit each para with each new skill acquired. #engchatuk
— Helen Ralston (@ralston_h) November 23, 2015

What to do:

I just noticed the above tweet on my timeline.

I don't know how Helen R. is using this idea, but I am going to do the following...

  1. When providing students with a source/image/visual prompt I will add an outline around key areas of importance 
  2. I will then ask students to write a paragraph per outlined box
  3. I will ask them to consider the sequencing of their paragraphs and how to draw out key elements within the boxes
Students can work individually or in pairs/groups for this task.


Cut the boxes up and give them to the students one by one, asking them to piece together the image as they write? 

Do this with text? A poem?
Image by Helen R @ralston_h

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