Image from- http://www.knewton.com/flipped-classroom/ |
Platforms such as www.edublogs.org
What to do:
We have all heard of flipped learning right? Click here for some information. However, this post isn't about the flipped learning model as such. It is about doing something to help students in a different but similar in principle way.
This post is about creating a class blog!
When you make a class blog you can post EVERY single PowerPoint/Presentation or lesson resource(s) onto it. You can add/embed any YouTube links, useful websites and activity sheets too.
You can also ask students to comment on the posts, add notes into a Padlet document or to embed a file and so on. (Such as a google form or an activity etc.)
The blog becomes an online exercise book for the students to revise or a class log for you to keep a record of all work... Aim to post BEFORE the lesson for students to be able to read/understand/digest the information about the lesson before they come to class.
The class blog could also be a platform where you share model answers, place timers on to remind students of important dates and so on. The blog is simply a way of having all your work available to all your students or parents/guardians, always.
See my current blog www.cheneyre.edublogs.org (This is for my GCSE Religious Education students.)
My first ever blog (not updated any longer) was www.mraali.edublogs.org for my GCSE Citizenship students and www.bulmershelaw.edublogs.org for my A level Law students. This was used extremely successfully. It was seen as the first of its kind back then! ha.
Consider whether all your students have access?
I have now decided that each lesson a student will email me a lesson summary- which I will then add to the previous blog post!
Created by Knewton and Column Five Media
Labels: elearning; independent learning, flipped learning, Independent learning