Progress Pegs


Pegs and display things!
The original idea for Progress Pegs is from

What to do:

Each student has their own peg and it is placed on a washing line to demonstrate what level they are currently working at. 

Each key stage has a dedicated section and assessment levels or grades are clear from all areas of the classroom. There are blue circles at the end of each line that state the number of students who should be on that line, in each class, according to FFTD target data. 

Each year group is colour coded so it makes it easier for students to locate their pegs. Their pegs have their name, target grade and a circular sticker that they have designed to make their peg unique.

All students have enjoyed moving their pegs after assessed work and it has worked particularly well at key stage 4 in motivating my boy heavy year 11 class. 

Progress Pegs created by @Jobaker9 after seeing @PEFoulger's idea too!

For year 9 I have used any graded feedback for the progress tracker as they are building skills for GCSE and therefore their end of topic results are relatively low across all skills in end of topic tests and so by breaking down the assessment components and moving the pegs more frequently keeps them motivated.
Progress Peg display created by @RebbecajNokes an idea adapted from 

Guest post by 
