Use the blank template of a gingerbread man to assess your student’s learning during the lesson or at the
end of the lesson.
How it works:
Three key pieces of information
are written on different areas of the gingerbread man template to identify
progress/next steps.
1) Head – what’s the key piece of
information I now know?
2) Heart – how do I feel about
today’s lesson? This links to student feelings about their progress today, it
can also provoke them to assess the emotive impact of the lesson topic – e.g.
happy, sad, frustrated.
3) Feet – what are your next
steps from here? How will you achieve this? This requires the students to think
ahead and beyond just their current lesson, students develop explanations/examples
through the use of ‘how’.
The information to be written by
students on the gingerbread man can be linked to lesson objectives and command
words to demonstrate clearly the progress made. E.g. I can evaluate the
impact of climate change on developing countries.
This can be
used as an interactive plenary for practical subjects – students assess
themselves with class discussion/feedback at the end of the lesson. Plenary can
inform the starter of the next lesson. It’s great to keep the gingerbread men
in a little booklet for the students to review their progress over time.
It is easy to change the wording
of the questions to suit the topic of your lesson or nature of your subject;
you can add further actions to the hands if you’d like to.
Download the template from here
For group work: blown-up
gingerbread man
Individual work: copies of the
Peer assessment: gingerbread
man-shaped biscuits
How it works
The gingerbread man is a
structure for exam questions – students can plan their answers on the sheet,
which can be peer assessed, and then write up their answer. This can be adapted
easily for any mark allocation and any level.
For group work, take
a blown-up gingerbread man, and each pair on a table has responsibility for a
section of the structure which they complete. The gingerbread man is then
talked through as a class, with students suggesting any improvements for an
excellent exam answer.
Peer assessment:
This is the way
to get students peer assessing! Their partner tells them which parts of the
gingerbread man they have completed well and why, and students can then eat
that section of the gingerbread man biscuit. What is left over, students have
to improve before beginning the write-up of their answer!
Post by Head of RE
Labels: plenary