Nothing! (A3 paper?)
What to do:
This can be an individual, paired, group or class activity!
Depending on ability/topic of class- students are asked to draw a grid on A3 paper? In their books?
E.G- 5 x 5- which makes 25 boxes. (I would use this for an A level Class- 50 Mark A2 Law question- 25Ao1 marks!)
Students are then asked to- All tasks must be timed!
- Write in small writing a heading- a Keyword/Key point.
- Then students swap their grids and another student has to define one row/columns keywords.
- Swap until all are complete.
- When the original student gets back their grid they should double check all keywords have the correct definitions.
I would then ask students to use all these keywords for a 50 mark essay question? This could be the preparation for their question... or a way of drawing out information from a model answer?
Get the class to complete the keyword block together?
Draw a massive grid on the whiteboard- give the students pens and tell them to work together to fill them in...
I also set a keyword block per topic for homework.
Labels: AfL, cooperative learning, group work, Progress Check, revision